Our own MOT QC course came about by talking to MOT station owners and managers that there are gaps in the knowledge of the people being asked to complete the mandatory QC checks.
The course is intended to give a QC a thorough idea of the duties and responsibilities involved in the role. It will provide an insight into DVSA requirements, provide support, improve knowledge and understanding.
It is a responsible MOT role but really doesn’t need to be too daunting!
After taking the course I would hope that a QC would be feeling more confident in his knowledge and position and better able to fulfil this important role.
There are many reasons why a business would decide to put their QC on this course. Among them could be peace of mind for you – if you know that your QC has gone through a training course, you can be confident now that he knows what is expected of him and how he should be conducting the monthly/bi-monthly checks.
A confidence boost for the QC in question – he will now know exactly what is involved in the role and what you expect from him.
To give your QC some kudos in the workplace – I know in some places the testers can be resistant to one of their peers looking at how they conduct their work. Training will give some public recognition to your QC and send a message to all your testers that you take the role of QC very seriously.

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