by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance
Have you checked if the data held by the DVSA about your organisation and your team is up to date recently? From the stories I’ve been hearing, it would appear that many MOT Site Managers/AEDMs don’t realise that they need to share some very important information with...
by Karena Hill | MOT Tester, MOT Compliance
It’s March, which means that it’s time for the new registration plate. We love it as it’s a great way to keep the grandkids entertained on the motorway with a game of ‘who can spot the most new cars?”, whilst they frantically look for all ‘24’ plate cars! And then...
by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance
We’re sure you’ll have noticed (pun intended!) the recent Special Notices dealt with some changes for your MOT noticeboard. Here’s what the MOT Guide currently says: A noticeboard with a protective transparent covering must be positioned inside the vehicle testing...
by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance
As we go around the country visiting MOT stations we’re often struck by the amount of time and effort put into ensuring MOT viewing area compliance, especially as this MOT requirement seem to be rarely used. These viewing areas range from the very elaborate with all...
by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance
Did you ever forget to log off your MOT after you’ve completed it? We’ve all been there…the phone rings, a customer comes to collect a car, or we’re rushing from job to job and it just slips our mind. But hey, it’s not a major issue is it?! The simple answer is...
by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance
We all love to have an occasional clearout – a tidier office environment makes everyone focus better and clears the brain, too! But we’re often asked, “What can we throw and what MOT records need to be kept regarding DVSA?” This article will, we hope, help put you...
by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance
A hot topic in the automotive industry right now is the shortage of MOT testers in the UK and how this might affect wait times for MOT tests in the coming months. There are several reasons for the shortage, for example: • more MOT testers are reaching retirement age •...
by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance
Actions to take in the event of a sudden and unexpected change to your MOT station’s legal entity. A recent conversation with a client who found themselves in an upsetting predicament after the passing of a family member and business partner has prompted me to ‘put...
by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance, MOT Tester
In April 2023 the DVSA issued Special Notice 02-23 – Changes to Annual Training. This Notice explained that the minimum amount of training required has now been reduced from 3 hours of MOT tester training each year and 16 hours in a rolling 5 year period, to a...
by Karena Hill | MOT Compliance, MOT Tester
It is important that MOT tools remain on the MOT bay; testers should not need to leave the bay in order to find the tools they need. A DVSA officer will want to see that all mandatory MOT tools are present and easily accessible. Do you find that MOT testers are...