One of the biggest challenges for MOT managers is getting their testers in front of a computer that’s not logged onto an MOT Test.

Let’s face it … computers and mechanics who love working on engines and vehicles are generally not a match made in heaven. So, getting one to sit in front of the pc for 3 to 4 hours can be a huge challenge.

That’s why Feb-Mar every year sees a massive influx of testers in the ‘last chance saloon’ doing their MOT annual training for the year.

How can management get testers to change a habit of a lifetime when the tester has a whole year to do it? It’s too easy to put it off for 11 to 12 months.

How can I manage or change my testers’ habit of booking courses ‘last minute’?

One way is to take the option away from the tester and book it yourself for early in the year. It can be either in-house if you have the resource or with a training provider. You then just tell them “You’re booked onto the course on this date”. 

Passing the course early in each year will work well for MOT testers who carry out QC duties. Why? Because they can get valuable insight into the content and indeed the assessment. This can then be used to help those testers who might struggle by way of possibly using a practical application of the topic.

What?! How does that work then?

Well … on the syllabus of the 2023/24 MOT Tester Annual Training is ‘Use of Equipment’, if the QC has already completed the training and is familiar with the content they would be well placed to help the testers in the workshop, possibly using a practical application rather than just a computer based learning.

This can be a much more effective method of learning for many people.   QCs can even use the actual equipment to demonstrate and arrange tester practice sessions so it becomes very familiar to them. This way when they read the information or are tested on it they have something to relate to in a way they understand … giving them a better chance of getting the answer right.

How can I arrange the annual training course?

There are a couple of ways to access the annual MOT tester training – a tester can just have an access code giving them access to the relevant training for the year, and then, having worked through that, they can take the online assessment.  OR many MOT Training Providers will offer classroom-based face to face learning.  This is becoming very popular as more and more testers become disenchanted with sitting alone on a computer working their way through the training.

It happens that The MOT Group Ltd is one of those MOT training companies who also offer classroom sessions for annual training.  One of our team guides MOT testers through the required 3 hours of annual training, allowing for time for discussion and questions along the way, offering the chance for a full understanding of the subject.  They then help candidates to log into their access code so that the testers can complete the online multiple choice assessment.

All testers leave the training session with a fully completed training log and knowing how to print their certificate.

This can be at our training centre in Kings Langley or if numbers and facilities allow, at your premises. Book early though as dates will fill up fast.

However you decide to complete the training we wish you well for 23/24’s course.

Get organised before the DVSA imposed deadline

It is important to note that testers must complete their annual training and pass their assessment before 31 March each year in order to maintain their MOT tester authorisation.  Failure to do this means they are suspended from testing and must take the next set of annual training and then ask the DVSA to come to their workplace and complete a demonstration assessment.  This could take several weeks to achieve and could be disastrous in a busy workplace.

If you’re ready to get ahead of the game for 2023/24 and book your course dates early, sign up to receive our emails and be the first to know when courses are taking place.